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QVC+ and HSN+

Scaling YouTube With UGC
  • 28% decrease in CPL

  • 5.9x increase in revenue per minute streamed

  • The challenge

    QVC+ and HSN+ struggled to attract younger viewers to their streaming platforms, which merges shopping with traditional viewing. The crowded market, dominated by giants like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video, made it difficult to gain traction. To combat this, they partnered with to develop a targeted YouTube strategy. This strategy aimed to introduce QVC+ and HSN+ to this younger demographic and convert their casual interest into active engagements via a free email sign-up.

    The Solution

    To engage younger viewers on YouTube without compromising QVC+ and HSN+’s brand identity, selected creators aged 30-45 who resonated with the target audience. These creators expressed genuine surprise and delight at the high-quality, free content available on the platforms. This authenticity, combined with real show clips and content that mirrored current social media trends, fostered a strong connection with viewers. Finally, the videos were edited into short, fast-paced clips, mirroring the dynamic style of YouTube Shorts to keep viewers engaged.

    The Result

    The collaboration between QVC+ and HSN+, and resulted in a UGC campaign that successfully engaged their target audience. This strategy proved to be highly cost-effective, achieving a 28% lower cost per lead (CPL) compared to the initial target. Additionally, this content drove 5.9x more revenue per minute streamed than the brands’ typical paid advertising content. These outcomes demonstrate how YouTube can be a highly effective platform for brands that are looking to reach a younger demographic and create engaging and authentic content.